How Can You Maintain a Personal Relationship With the Increase of Technology?

Today I wanted to cover something that has really come about in the last 5-6 years as the increase in freely available real estate technology and tools online for both buyers and sellers. How does the immergence of these tools impact our position as an expert advisor and if personal relationships with buyers and sellers even matter anymore? This is actually an awesome thing for us as experts (not every real estate agent is an expert). If you have your skillset dialed up with more information online, consumers need someone to figure it out for them. Technology does not impact our business one bit.

With the online home evaluation tools like Zillow, everyone thinks they know the estimate for their property. However, this doesn’t affect our ability to come in as a pro and do an equity evaluation on their property, educate them on the different ways to value property, how the market direction and interest rates can factor in, showing reports, price bracketing, tax analysis and a square footage analysis. We look at everything way more than Zillow or any other site can ever look at.

This goes for buyers as well. Every buyer has their go-to website they look at but this doesn’t mean they are able to go through the 200 homes that are they favorites, what they want/need, what they can afford, potential appreciation in their property and where the market has been. I think it is an awesome opportunity with the new technology that is out there to serve our clients on a personal level and deeply impact their lives and the lives of their families. The Lars Group has all the tools available to consumers allowing them to come into our fold and establish a business relationship. Many people fear technology and feel that the business is going away but we embrace it; we use it every day.

If you have any questions, call me at (704) 800-1200 ext. 106 and we can see if I can help you with your business of if you’re a fit for our team. God bless and go sell some houses!

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