Looking to improve your real estate career?
I'm here to help you make a smart decision when it comes to growing
your business, improving your bottom line, and choosing a place to work
in real estate sales. If you'd like to learn more about working with The
Lars Group, contact me at (704) 800-1200 or Lars@LarsRealEstate.com.
In terms of your social media strategy, the usual contenders like Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. can be useful; they can also be a huge time vacuum. To avoid this, we have very specific and deliberate ways of coaching our agents on how to properly use social media in order to connect with people and build rapport. You should not be selling your services via these channels.
As for making time for social media in your day, you should aim for two time blocks throughout your day that are a minimum of 15 minutes to dedicate to social media. We try to make social media a more personable experience; this could be like congratulating a client on a recent closing. We also use Facebook to post listings and generate traffic by linking those posts to Twitter and LinkedIn. Yelp has been great for reviews and generating traffic as well. My warning for social media is that it is not the “end all, be all”. Each of our agents average 40-50 closings per year and only a small part of those come from online activities.
At the Lars Group, we do things differently and you would be surprised on how much enjoyment our agents get out of what they do! Until next time, God bless.