We use a very simple script here at the Lars Group called LP MAMA. It stands for location, price, motivation, agent, mortgage, and appointment. Here's what you need to know about each:
- Location and Price: When you're on the phone with a lead, you need to determine the location and the price range they're working in.
- Motivation: You need to find out whether they want to rent or own. Know whether they plan on making a move in the next three months or if they're planning for a move down the road.
- Agent: Ask them if they've looked at any open houses. You don't want to come right out and ask them whether they're working with an agent, as they might get the impression you're looking to sell them your services. You want to ask questions around the topic to see how they're going about their search.
- Mortgage: Are they planning on paying cash for the property or are they planning on getting a mortgage? Ask them whether they've talked to a mortgage professional to get an idea of what their monthly payment will be.
- Appointment: After getting the above information, now's the time to ask the potential buyer to a meeting. Let them know you would like to go through the home buying process, give them a market overview, and set up a time to look at homes.

This is a very simple script, or structure of a call, that is effective in getting buyers on the other side of the phone face-to-face with you.
If you want to chat about how you can change your business for the better in 2015, don't hesitate to reach out to me. We can have a confidential strategy session to figure out what you can do differently to take your business to the next level in 2015.
Best of luck in 2015, I hope to hear from you soon!